They didn’t even need to eat anything solid. They would charge themselves under this astonishing bright sunlight. I felt such a peaceful atmosphere there, full of contentment, happiness, and joyful living. --Heaven Testimonies, Part 20 – Visiting a Vegan Planet ‘In that world, that planet, no matter how much they work, they’re always with God within. So, they never waste their energy, so they’re never tired. They never grow old. They can stay as young as they want." --SMCH, Prophecy of the Golden Age Part 205 READING These Names are imbued with immense spiritual Power. They are passed down from higher Realms and charged with the True Master’s Power and Love, to activate Protection and Grace from God Almighty for the Disciple alone, at the time of initiation. READING Near-Death Experiences – Exploring Heavens and the Afterlife, Part 13 of a Multi-part Series Anything negative will return to you manifold, even in your thinking. That’s why I have told you to keep, not only actions, but speech and thought positive.--SMCH, We're Transparent in the Eyes of the Universe It is believed that over one million highly evolved Lemurians may live there today. According to the book “Telos: The Call Goes Out from the Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities” by Dianne Robbins, published in 2000, the Lemurians have created a Heaven on Earth in their underground world. PART 1 PART 2 We must always look for a living enlightened Master to receive the true Baptism, which is the initiation into the inner Heavenly Light and Sound meditation. That is why the Ultimate Master returns to Earth to give as many people as possible the opportunity to experience God while living and know their True Self. READING Another delicious food tip from Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai Do you know how the English people eat vegan lamb chops with their meal? They use peppermint vinegar sauce. It’s very simple. You remember how I taught you to dry the peppermint in your refrigerator? It's delicious to eat a vegan pizza with a bunch of rucola on top of it - A Dining Tip from Our Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai Supreme Master TV is very special, and our brothers and sisters have written many heartlines about how it cleanses the environment around them. READING Supreme Master Television in your home. It creates a Heavenly environment wherever you are and is the best tool we have on this planet to counter negativity and bless our world. If others follow your example, they will find how it maximizes the wonderful benefits of Supreme Master TV in their lives and multiple others’ lives. READING If we work with sincerity in our hearts and without any expectations, we will feel more contented with life as everything is done in accordance with Heaven’s will. So, just keep going and do everything to the best of your ability. READING This Ultimate Prayer is a powerful Protection for those who are sincere, pure and trusting in God Almighty Grace. As I cannot teach them all personally, like the way I teach you, due to their obstructive karma. This is my loving gift to all beings, whoever is blessed enough to believe and take refuge in it. May God shower all with Mercy. READING Animal-people meat eating is destroying life on Earth and will eventually annihilate all humans who are engaged in this barbaric practice. There will be no exceptions made. READING We should prostrate forever in our heart to God Almighty, with deep Gratitude for Hiers immense Love and Mercy in this Great Gift, unprecedented, a Unique One in the whole spiritual history of humankind. READING Prophecy Part 253 – Prophecies by the English Soothsayer Mother Shipton on Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet READING Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet Prophecy of the Golden Age Part 226 – Prophecies on the Reappearance of Lao Tzu, the Great Saint of the Tao READING Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) was the Great Master Daoling (vegetarian), who is believed to be another appearance of Great Master Lao Tzu (vegan) --Prophecy of the Golden Age, Part 219 READING |