Meditation stabilizes our mentality, widens our vision of life, opens many new ideas. And then we live a very fulfilled life without having to struggle very hard. --Quan Yin Method Is the Whole Entity, P2 The best thing that ever happened to us since many thousand million trillion of eons is Quan Yin Method. Hell and death are only for people who don’t know themselves. --Quan Yin Method Is the Whole Entity, P1 At that time of initiation, the Master uses Universal Power to lift the disciples up. Therefore, they could be in a higher dimension than they are at that time. -- SMCH, Big Powers Did Not Keep Their Promise to Ukraine, P4&5 READING We don't just stop at the wisdom eye. We start from there and go to other realms. --SMCH, Sorcery Contest, P6&7 READING This Method is very ancient, and the lineage is unbroken from one country to the next, from one Master to another. --SMCH The (inner Heavenly) Sound is always there 24/7. And that is your rock to lean on. It won’t leave you. --SMCH, The Undivided Attention and Devotion of Bhakti Practice READING You see the Buddha Nature, the God Nature immediately. That's why it's called immediate enlightenment. --SMCH, Where Does the Inner Peace Come From? READING The generations, I think they just stay in the Fifth Level, that’s good enough already. Liberated, but not always have to go all the way with you. There are different prices to pay. --SMCH, The Demonic States of the Feeling Skandhas READING A Quan Yin practitioner, after some time of practice, can heal people who have an affinity with him, even thousands of miles away, even if they don't even know each other. --SMCH, It's Not Too Late to Get Enlightenment READING That is every time you do two hours Quan Yin, you can get healed about 70%. For me. For ordinary disciples maybe more or less depends on their spiritual level and power of concentration and sincerity as well, and faith. --Speed Up Our Planet’s Improvement and Evolution with DiZ Divinity READING Because every argument is not correct. So every method is also incorrect. Except the Quan Yin. Why? Because it's not a method. --SMCH, Things Are Upside Down In Our World, P1 READING In this universe, there are many different ways to do things. There are faster methods and slower methods. Some methods are superior, and the Quan Yin method is superior. --SMCH, Sacred Communion, #640 READING. I told you, initiation is to free you. Not the you of the body, but the soul. The one that inhabits your body. The one that uses your body to interact with the environment and other bodies. --SMCH, The Daily Prayer to Strengthen Moral Conscience -P2 READING The virtuous and sincere Quan Yin pratictioners, means practicing the heavenly inner Light and Sound, you will go speedy, VIP highway with the Master when you die. --SMCH, MP4-957 READING In the whole universe, you are the best, the picked ones, the selected, the very, very fortunate. --SMCH, MP4-717 READING I just safely say five generation. In fact, it is nine generations, numerous generations, not only five. --SMCH, A Sharing Heart P3 READING |